18-19 August 2018 U.S. local time, World Educational Robot Contest (WER) 2018 U.S. Open took place at Valencia High School located at California. Over 100 contestants from China and local communities have participated in this contest. Distinguished guests such as Prof. Jake Mendelssohn (founder of WER and WERS) and Dr. Darin Gray (director of USC engineering department) showed up in the contest.
(Prof. Jake Mendelssohn)
(Dr. Darin Gray)
(Group photo of Guests)
It’s show time for robots!
Themed “Information Era”, as other contests of WER 2018 season, the arena contest is in the form of “4+3” —— 4 preset tasks and 3 additional tasks. 3 additional tasks were announced before the contest started on site, which revealed the principle of “It’s a contest among students rather than teachers”.
(Live from the contest)
Contestants are supposed to write codes, create telecommunication technology, develop APP and defend network security work as software engineer, telecommunication specialist, data analyst or network and information security admin, in pursuit of making information better cater to human’s development.
(Prof. Jake communicating with participants)
Team show, creation display
Team show is another exciting section. It includes not only the decoration of their team posters, but also the presentation of “Information Era has cast an influence on people’s life”.
(Creative posters)
(Young Winners)
Some winners will see each other again at WER 2018 World Championship on 15-16 December in Shanghai, China!
More info pls visit www.wergame.org